HTML 5 in Simple Steps

HTML 5 in Simple Steps 
Chapter 1:-  Getting Started with HTML 5
In this chapter:- 
  • Introduction to HTML 5
  • Defining HTML Markup
  • Basic Structure of an HTML Document
  • Creating and Saving an HTML Document
  • Opening the HTML Document in a Web Browser
  • Modifying the Background of an HTML Web Page 
  • Specifying Metadata about an HTML Web Page
Chapter 2:-  Introduction to New Elements in HTML 5
In this chapter:- 
  • The Markup Elements
  • The Media Elements
  • The Canvas Elements
  • The Form Elements
  • The Input Type Attribute Values
  • The New Attributes
  • The New Event Attributes
Chapter 3:-  Working with Text
In this chapter:- 
  • Adding Plain Text to an HTML Web page
  • Adding Text in a New Line
  • Creating Headings on a Web page
  • Creating a Paragraph
  • Creating a Horizontal Rule
  • Creating a Subscript and Superscript
  • Aligning the Text
  • Formatting the Text
  • Grouping the Text
  • Indenting Quotations 
  • Working with Character Entities 
  • Commenting the Text

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