Most people think that "hackers" are computer criminals. This term has two different meanings. There are two sides to every coin means can't have the good part of something without its bad. You could say: "if you want to have your face in light, you should have your back in the dark". "Two sides of the same coin" has a different meaning: two things seem different or opposed but both are the same. One is used for a person who performs Ethical Hacking. These are usually security professionals with knowledge of hacking which are used to securing organizations, companies, government, etc. to secure documents and secret information on the internet. And another one who performs Unethical Hacking. These are the Black hat Hackers or Crackers who use their skills and knowledge for illegal or malicious purposes.

What is Hacking?

Hacking refers to a process to bypass or modifying the security Mechanisms of computer software and hardware to accomplish a goal that differs from the original purpose. 


In the computer security context, hacking means gaining unauthorized access to data inn a system or simply an attempt to bypass a computer systems security, mechanism to gain control over it or to perform any illegitimate activity for personal gain or creating a threat on one's security to better describe hacking, one needs to first understand hackers. One can easily assume them to tinker with software or electronic systems. Hackers enjoy exploring and learning how computer systems operate. They love discovering new ways to work electronically. In fact, breaking a security system requires more intelligence and expertise than actually creating one.

Who is Hacker?

A hacker is individual who had an advanced understanding of computers, networking, scripting, programming, or Embedding hardware, but did not have any malicious intents. Just opposite there are malicious hacker is usually referred to as a Malicious Hacker, black hat, or criminal hacker, which describes any individual who illegally breaks into network to damage or steal information. 

Why hacker hack?

The man reason why hackers hack is because they can hack. Hacking is a casual hobby for some hackers-- they just hack to see what they hack or what they can't hack, usually by testing their own systems. When we have a close look at hackers, then they can be categorized  in different terms according to their purpose and approach.

Type of Hackers 

Black Hat Hacker:-- A black hat hacker is just opposite of white hat hacker or you can say bad guy. It refers to a cracker that breaks into someone networks or computers. They are specialized in unauthorized penetration of information systems network for individual purpose. 

White Hat Hackers:-- A white hat hacker is the information security professional or good guy, specially in Information security, where it refers to an Ethical Hacker or Penetration Tester who focuses on securing and protecting networks and computers systems. 

Grey Hat Hackers:-- A grey hat hacker refers to a skilled hacker who break into networks or computer but in order to bring the weakness to the attention  or improve system and network security.

Script Kiddies:-- Script Kiddies are like amateur kids who uses existing scripts or codes to hack into network or computer and software developed by real hackers. 

Hacktivist:-- Individual or group who promote compromise system and gains unauthorized access to further social or political agenda. 

Suicide Hackers:-- Suicide hackers are Individuals who aim to bring down infrastructure and even don't bother to suffer long term jail due to their activities. 

Phreaked:-- refers to a phone phreak are names used for and by individuals who participate in phone phreaking. Phreaker is someone who breaks into Telecommunication systems illegally, typically to make free calls.

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